Kids Only
Sick Kids Doc Since 1996

About Me
Hi, My name is Dr. Kelly and I love being a doctor for kids. I have worked at Sick Kids since 1996: before you were born! Now, I also work as part of a wonderful team at Golden Mile.
If I'm busy and you have to wait (not too long I hope) you don't have to stay in the waiting room: less kids in the WR means less time for those germs to catch you! You can go shopping at No Frills (great fruits and veggies to keep you strong and healthy)… or have a snack (unless your tummy hurts) in the atrium where there's lots of natural light. Or you can ride the rides at the entrance.
There is plenty of free parking, lots of it indoors so you won't catch another cold coming in from the car. The bus stops at the corner of the parking lot.